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Club Survey

Thank you for all the questions. The survey questions and responses are posted below.

Keep very small children from siting at the Bar
No unaccompanied child under the age of 10 is allowed at the bar.

I would like to see and support themed music nights ie :- motown nights Rock and roll Jazz 60s Also bring the price of food down from the Galley.
Social committee are looking at various options

Possibly have more members to help on Saturday mornings
Work parties are looking for extra help and if anyone has any ideas how to encourage more help please let any committee member know.

New members should be made more welcomed
Can you give an example of how we arent welcoming and if you have any ideas that would welcome.

Uplifting the club decor and more boats for club members to use and train on. Have a committee boat for racing and hosting more sailing events.
As the committee members are volunteers any work we undertake has to fit into our busy lives, we are planning to refresh the Mens toilets.  We have had a committee boat in the past and it didnt work.

We could all stop arguing with each other
Please give some examples, are you referring to members or committee members.  The committee is a democracy there may be strong opinion but we work together for the benefit of the club.

The atmosphere seems to be very much if your face fits. On the odd occasion I have been to the club everyone is very much in their own groups to the exclusion of any new faces. Hence my rare visits
We would like to think that we are a friendly club, do you have any suggestions to make it more friendly.

Giving more notice on events, not leaving it till the last minute, and getting more people involved in the club
The Social committee are looking into putting out adverts earlier.

Different types of functions instead of the same old things and same old entertainers. Try and create a friendlier atmosphere as it is becoming more and more Cliquey and you feel your being watched, ready for someone to make a complaint.
We would like to think that we are a friendly club, do you have any suggestions to make it more friendly.  What do you suggest as different functions.  The Social Committee are open to any suggestions.

More consistent /wider spread advertising of events
Social events are adverted on website, WhatsApp group, Facebook, emailed out with the minutes, on notice board in the clubhouse and in the compound.  If you have any further suggestions, please let us know.

Promotion A lot of members hardly enter the clubhouse so need to entice them by promoting the events and opportunities to get involved with boating more on social media, email, notice boards in compounds
Social events are adverted on website, WhatsApp group, Facebook, emailed out with the minutes, on notice board in the clubhouse and in the compound.  Boating is has all the social media above.  If you have any further suggestions, please let us know.

More beer

need to have family friendly cruises not cruises for the commodore and his drinking buddies
There wasnt a cruise this year but families are always welcome on cruises, speak to one the sailing committee.

Small children should not be in the members bar. They are not members in their own right. Plus the language in there is not suitable for children to hear
We are family club and children are welcome, children should always be supervised while in the club, if anyone hears inappropriate language then speak to the individual or a committee member.

why ask about training when the club doesn't offer training? is the training ever going to happen at the club? or do people wanting training need to go to a better club?
RYA accreditation is taking longer than anticipated.

it was said at the agm that the floating pontoon is safety approved. my kids use this pontoon so can the apporval paper be put on the notice board in the club house so everyone can see it? Sailingcommittee will do this.

At the 2023 EGM for the floating pontoon the Rear Com Sail (Dan Bell) after a phone call to the Assistan Treasurer (Malcolm Hockett) said that the Club had £50k of money in "another account" where is this account and this money?
The club holds two bank accounts, one account is used for all incoming fees/membership etc, this if the account mentioned at the EGM.  Once the fees etc are consolidated and scheduled the monies are transferred to the other account.

There are a large number of boats "donated" to the Club, can a member of the General Committee be tasked with selling these, or the club disposing of them ethically? Money to cadet fund? It is assumed these are insured by the club under its rules.
We do advertise these boats, we are looking at putting a page in the website.

Deal with in club politics and become one club!
We as a committee work together if you have any suggestion how to promote this please let us know.

Use more social media. Lower initial joining fee Improve family facilities, child's play area and outdoor seating.
It has been in the minutes about the work we are doing to improve the children play area etc there will be new equipment for the spring/summer.  As proposed in the AGM the jointing fee has been reduced again this year instead of increasing in line with membership fees.

where is the Club's anti bullying policy? it doesn't seem to be adhered
We are working on this.

Given the amounts of money the recent Gen Com minutes state being potentially spent on projects (around 50k inc engine) cna the Club afford this? Can the monthly accounts be provided to Club members to show club financial health
The Treasurer will look into putting a monthly/quarterly report together for members.

Stop the swearing - from the commodore/his wife down
If you take offence at anything said please call it out

It would be nice to see the club being run in a more transparent way. It appears some of the committee can act like a private members club within the club. The galley should be a facility for the members, not a law unto itself.
We feel we are very transparent and work hard for the club and its members, many members dont see the work that is carried out in the background to keep the club running, the Galley is contracted to club.  If you have some example of the committee not being transparent please let us know.
Keeping in touch with club business and committee minutes is made considerably harder due to the use of Initials to refer to members and no actual Action Point list so reference numbers are difficult if not impossible to track.
We take this onboard and will indicate who the initials refer to, the action point list is the committees guide to ensure that matters are dealt with and who has been allocated the task.

Stop swearing in the clubhouse
Any suggestions are welcome

Encourage Equal opportunity and Equality for all IYC members.
How do you suggest we so this, we feel we are.

Promote events on social media Uphold rules on supervising childrens behaviour Regulate offensive swearing - committee members Filter awful smells from galley cooking Replace or clean and polish drinking glasses Appropriate behaviour from committee
We use various social media platforms to promote events, Parents are responsible for their children if this not happening this needs to be notified to the committee.  We are looking at the exactor system in the Galley.  We had a problem with the glass washer which should be fixed now.  Can you give an example of inappropriate behaviour

Better communication amongst members would be encouraging
We have WhatsApp group for various activities (social, cruising, cadets), notices in the club house and compound and mentioned in minutes and/or on the email sending out the minutes.

Tackle the infighting Implement and discipline properly those who bully others Payment of fees via Club website Fix the barrier properly
We have a policy for bullying and if you have example please bring it to the attention of the committee, we cant accommodate fees via the bar.  The barrier is being looked at we have had the contractor back a couple of times  
Reduce the number of Committee members - each person standing is standing for an assigned position Monthly accounts provided to membership with meeting minutes "Retire" Jubilee Cup - its antiquated and should celebrate all volunteers, not     3
Each member if the committee does have an assigned role see minutes, Treasurer is looking at providing a monthly/quarterly account.  Perhaps retire the Jubilee cup can be put to the membership in the next survey but it isnt just for volunteer it is for people that have stood out for their contributions.  

Regularly poll members and gauge genuine interest on proposed events before making decisions. Consider recruitment drives / days to raise the club profile...consider going into schools and giving talks or consider taster events at the club.
The Social sub committee try very hard to accommodate requests from members, if you have any suggestion please let us know.  Our Cadet leader is doing a lot of hard work to encourage new Cadets, the fundays over the last two years have been successful in promoting the club.  

Theme nights with food included, reasonable price tickets may get more members to participate. Summer barbecue evenings, Quiz nights with buffet provided. Lower prices for meals from the galley.
The Social committee work very hard to give
Update the bar and its What do you suggest?

Main bar needs refurbishing ie comfortable seating , members bar refurbed maybe a few planters , Dye the curtains to give them a bit of colour Heating needs to be on when club is open as can be very cold in evening Background music from behind bar
We are looking a seating there is a large cost implication, if we install planters, we need volunteers to look after them. if there is a problem with the heating speak to the bar staff it is on a timer and thermostat.  The bar does normally have music playing so ask the bar staff.

More comfortable seating areas, small sofas and coffee tables like in some coffee shops
We are looking at the seating but there is a large cost implications.

Organise bbqs and encourage members to engage with each other
The Social committee are looking at various events, how do you suggest we get members to engage?

Stop in-house fighting. Committee needs to accept that they are voted on to represent the members and not vice versa
We are not sure what this relates to, please provide an example.  The committee is made up of volunteers and work for the benefit of the club and it members.

Last updated 3:45pm on 22 February 2025

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